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Dynamics of Assessment in Distance Mode Schooling: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Continuous Assessment

The Changing Dynamics of the Assessment In Distance Mode of School Education Language and Learning assessment in Online teaching


Assessment plays a pivotal role in gauging the learning outcomes of instructional activities. It is imperative to view assessment not merely as a tool for grading students, but rather as a process that provides valuable input for learners. In the context of distance mode schooling, the dynamics of assessment take on a unique significance, presenting both challenges and opportunities for educators. This article explores the functions and frameworks of assessment in the context of remote education, with a focus on the evolving landscape brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Types of Assessment:

Traditionally, two main types of assessment—formative and summative—have been discussed in the realm of classroom assessment. However, the current global situation has prompted the exploration of new frameworks and techniques for evaluating students in distance mode schooling. As the world moves towards a future dominated by digital schooling, the importance of assessment remains unwavering. Regardless of changes in the mode of schooling, assessment continues to be the backbone of every learning activity, shaping the teaching-learning process.

Assessment in the Digital Age:

The development of assessment concepts in distance mode schooling is relative to the technological availability and digital literacy of learners and their parents. Factors such as technological development, digital literacy, and the techno-geography of schools and teachers influence the assessment framework. The traditional teaching-learning system in Nepal, like many other places, is facing a shift in dynamics, prompting educators and policymakers to consider alternative assessment methods.

Continuous Assessment System (CAS):

Historically, continuous assessment was concealed within teaching-learning activities. Over time, it became evident that assessment could serve as a valuable tool for summative assessment. The concept of Continuous Assessment System (CAS) emerged, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive and regular evaluation scheme. The National Education Commission Reports of 2049 BS and 2055 BS in Nepal acknowledged the drawbacks of the existing evaluation system, leading to the proposal of a continuous assessment system for liberal promotion policies.

Blended Assessment in the Digital Era:

The current pandemic has forced educators to rethink traditional assessment methods and explore alternative evaluation approaches. The blended form of summative and formative assessment has given rise to the continuous assessment system (CAS). In the context of distance mode education, CAS takes on new significance as scholars, teachers, and academic institutions grapple with the challenges posed by the pandemic. The need for alternative methods of evaluation is now a prominent topic of discussion.

Challenges and Opportunities in Distance Mode Education:

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of distance mode education as a solution to the challenges posed by the virus. This shift has raised concerns about the quality of education and the effectiveness of prescribed curricula delivered through virtual teaching. As educators adapt to the new normal, questions arise about the necessity of traditional term exams. The author suggests considering alternative assessments, such as continuous assessment, to better align with the evolving dynamics of education.

Parental Involvement in Continuous Assessment:

One key aspect of continuous assessment that requires attention is the involvement of parents. In the context of distance mode schooling, parents play a crucial role in managing technological resources and supporting students in their virtual learning environment. Acknowledging this, the author proposes that parents be actively involved in the assessment of students. This involvement can be instrumental in understanding students' progress, behavior, and overall well-being in the virtual schooling environment.


As education undergoes a digital transformation, the dynamics of assessment in distance mode schooling become central to shaping the future of learning. Continuous assessment emerges as a relevant and adaptive framework, requiring consideration of factors such as parental involvement. Navigating the challenges posed by the pandemic, educators and policymakers must continue to explore innovative assessment methods that align with the evolving landscape of education in the digital age.

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